Welcome to China Fulfil

Processing time of incoming stock?

Receiving fee is free of charge.
After receiving your new stock, we will verify contents and quantities against the packing list. They should also match the ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) which you have created in our system. We will perform basic QC or visual inspection, put the products on shelf and update inventory. Upon completion, the new stock will be available for fulfillment.

Day Receive Time Completion Time
Mon - Thu Before 15:00 Same Day 24:00
After 15:00 Next Day 24:00
Fri Anytime Same Day 24:00

1. The above table is a general guideline and not a guarantee.
2. If new stock requires labeling or any Add-on Services, then it may need longer processing time.
3. If new stock has more than 100 SKUs and/or 5000 units, then please contact us 3 days in advance.
4. Always create an ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) before sending your products to our warehouse fulfillment center for storage.